
Friday, 5 September 2014

Let's talk selfies

Instagram has its foundations in it, the millenials are defined by it, and pop culture's most famous are more often than not mocked for it- the selfie. What is it? Where did it come from? And what function does it serve?

There's the serious artist with flawlessly misty lighting, the tween with an eos lip balm, the celebrity rather blatantly indulging in a publicity stunt, the effortlessly androgynous model resting face, or even the rushing across the road fashion blogger. Whatever your type is, you probably have at least one. But I'm urging us to ask the bigger questions- what is the social function of a selfie?

Is it identity construction?
Is it self-presentation as opposed to social representation?
Or am I just heavily defending a case that I'm admittedly part of.

Whatever its function, selfies define what it is to be in 2014. And I can reasonably confidently say they are here to stay (at least for the decade!). So get amongst.

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